
Average score 401 Reviews
Sebastiano Dirminti noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I took a take-away sushi menu and while I was waiting the lady offered me jasmine tea plus lollipops for the children, and in the bag I also found a free mushroom soup (Original) ho preso un menu sushi d'asporto e la signora nell'attesa mi ha offerto il tè al gelsomino più i lecca lecca per i bambini, inoltre nella busta ho trovato una zuppa di funghi in omaggio

1 month ago
Martin PERICARD noted on Google

Très bon restaurant de quartier avec un accueil très sympathique :) Le lieu manque un petit peu de chaleur dans la décoration mais je recommande vivement cette adresse. (Translated by Google) Very good neighborhood restaurant with a very friendly welcome :) The place lacks a little warmth in the decoration but I highly recommend this address.

1 month ago
scott b noted on Google

Ravis! Mon conjoint et moi avons découvert cette enseigne par hasard en visitant le Père Lachaise. Quelle ne fut pas notre surprise en découvrant le menu à petit prix et l’ambiance authentique, chaleureuse et conviviale. Puis, tant en qualité qu’en qualité, nous avons été comblés. N’hésitez pas à franchir la porte de cet établissement, qui en vaut très certainement le détour. Un grand merci aux propriétaires. (Translated by Google) Delighted! My partner and I discovered this brand by chance while visiting Père Lachaise. What was our surprise when we discovered the low-cost menu and the authentic, warm and friendly atmosphere. Then, both in terms of quality and quality, we were delighted. Do not hesitate to walk through the door of this establishment, which is certainly worth the detour. A big thank you to the owners.

1 month ago
Marie-Sixtine Bergeret noted on Google

1 month ago
Céline CARER noted on Google

Personnel très agréable au téléphone et en livraison. Poisson très bon et plats très bon. Nous avons trouvé notre Japonais hebdomadaire 😁 (Translated by Google) Very pleasant staff on the phone and on delivery. Very good fish and very good dishes. We found our weekly Japanese 😁

1 month ago
Rayane Kara noted on Google

1 month ago
Augustine Dole noted on Google

Je recommande vivement. C’est délicieux. Les prix sont honnêtes. La gérante nous a accepté hors heure de service et nous a offert du thé au jasmin en plus de nos plats. J’ai passé un super moment (Translated by Google) I highly recommend. It's delicious. The prices are fair. The manager accepted us outside of service hours and offered us jasmine tea in addition to our dishes. I had a great time

1 month ago
abdoun suzie noted on Google

Excellent restaurant ! Je vous le conseille fortement ! La gérante de l’établissement est génial ! Et la nourriture est exquise ! (Translated by Google) Excellent restaurant! I highly recommend it to you ! The manager of the establishment is great! And the food is exquisite!

1 month ago
moco las noted on Google

1 month ago
Jenifer Moreira noted on Google

1 month ago

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