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Sobre nosaltres

Últimes ressenyes

Mirko Console ha valorat

(Translated by Google) Unexpected! From the outside it seems like an uninviting place, but everything is excellent. I would stay here again if I lived in Paris (Original) Inatteso! Esternamente sembra un posto poco invitante, invece è tutto ottimo. Ci tornerei se abitassi a Parigi

kamelia tout courts ha valorat

Lysandre Mbappe ha valorat

(Translated by Google) Always great, no complaints and the salmon portions are generous (Original) Toujours géniaux rien à redire et les portions de saumon sont généreuses

Horari d'obertura

  • Dl - Dv : 11h30-15h, 18h30-23h
  • Ds: 12h-15h, 18h30-23h30
  • Dg: Tancat
  • Obre a les 12:00

WANOBI© 2024
Avís legal

22 Rue de Bagnolet
75020 Paris, France

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per OKO
